Major props to Shannon O'Kelley of Southall Eden Paperie for being the genius behind these little lovelies! When I say she was an absolute doll to work with, that is the understatement of the century. You can't tell from the photo, but the paper is this gorgeous midnight blue shimmer heavyweight stock, which catches the light so beautifully! She took every idea I had to use our colors of midnight blue and platinum while giving the piece a "Nashville" feel (a must for our predominantly out of town guest list who will be traveling to the Music City for a New Year's in Nashville weekend) and ran with it. And what she returned with was perfection. My favorite part is the little belt that is made out of tobacco paper, complete with punched out holes for the notches, and the monogram on the belt buckle is done so that it can be re-printed on favor tags, programs, anything! I literally squealed when she showed it to me in Starbuck's. Funny how the little things make all the difference. Who knew a simple card could make me so happy?
So - if you're jonesing for custom made invitations, you just HAVE to check out Southall Eden. And the best part? You meet with Shannon for a consultation at her adorable place in Leiper's Fork, complete with acres of beautiful farmland and event space to boot! When we met with her for our consultation, we fell in love with this little barn that sits on her property. So much so, in fact, that we had some of our engagement photos taken there. So fun!!
they're absolutely adorable!
ReplyDeleteThey are soooooo adorable! I was so impressed when I saw them!
ReplyDeleteproud to say i was one of those 25 texts...i couldn't text you fast enough after i opened mine...it is ADORABLE!!!! and SO creative!!
ReplyDeleteAww I love these invites!!!
ReplyDeleteI also LOVE that barn! How sweet!!!
Thanks, ladies! I wish the picture had turned out better, but at least it gives the general idea. I highly recommend Shannon - she makes magic!
ReplyDeletevery cute! yeah!!
ReplyDeleteI love your STD- so cute and original!