So the suggestions have been duly noted to start a blog - see, I do listen! It's funny, I distinctly remember when the word "blog" was first being tossed around, and thinking to myself that it would be a passing trend. Now I visit the blogs of other event/wedding planners on a regular basis, and also use them to keep updated on my sweet friends who have jumped on the bandwagon. The main reason I wanted to begin blogging was so that I can document the process of planning our wedding and all the other fun things going on in our life right now. I've never been a big fan of keeping a journal, and I definitely want to be able to look back and remember this time, so I figure what the heck...

The big news is that our Save the Dates have been sent, which makes everything seem very official to me! We used the photo from the Photographix photo shoot (that we won, thanks to many of your votes) which definitely shows us in our element. I'm wearing the cowboy boots that Craig, my adorable fiance, bought me as an anniversary gift and I think it captures just how happy he makes me. There wasn't a single photo taken where he didn't make me smile. Props to Jen and Ann at Photographix for being so much fun during the shoot, which really let Craig bust out of his picture-phobia shell. I'm not going to lie, they are some of my favorite photos of us together, and I know they'll have a happy home in our new house! Here are a few of their favorites they posted on their blog, but we're having trouble narrowing down ours!

I love these pictures! I smile everytime I see them!