Thursday, June 3, 2010

Because It's The Little Things

As I was getting into bed last night, I turned back the covers and discovered this lovely little treasure under my pillow.

Yes, he made a list of the top 20 reasons why he loves me. And bless his heart, he typed it. Words can't say how much I love my husband. He was so tired he was already sound asleep (he must have put it there while I was getting ready for bed) but that didn't stop me from leaning over, kissing his cheek, and whispering "thank you" in his ear.

(And honey, if you're reading this, I hope this didn't embarrass you. It's just that this is precisely why I started a blog - to look back and remember how much fun our first few months of marriage have been. Never stop surprising me. And thank you for always remembering the little things.)


  1. How sweet is that?! What a great guy!

  2. oh my goodness, that could be the sweetest thing ever!!! :)

  3. I don't know if it's the pregnancy horomones or what, but I'm totally crying at my computer right now!!! Love him!!!

  4. Yeaaaaaaah....i'm gonna need you to write the 20 things where i can see them ;)

  5. I don't know what is up with Blogger, Marcie. Usually you can click the picture and it opens up bigger but it's being ornery. Let's just say my favorite is #7: Her rendition of Gangsta's Paradise is spotless. Because it truly is. :)

  6. Candice - bless your pregnant little bones!

  7. Oh my goodness, this is the sweetest thing! Keep that and treasure it forever!

  8. Oh my goodness, girlie! This is seriously the sweetest thing that I think I have ever heard! I don't even think that DGC could think of 20 things he loves about me...much less type them out and put them under my pillow!!! Aaahh! I love it! :)

  9. That is the absolute cutest thing! So sweet of him :)

  10. loveeee it!!! So sweet!!! That is the best!

  11. Oh my, that is so lovely. Sounds like you have a GREAT guy there :)


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