Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter in Virginia

Tomorrow, Mr. T and I will be taking the six hour drive to Virginia to visit his folks. Now that may not sound like a terribly long time in the car to you, but I get as fidgety as a five year old after the third hour. Why can't there be a direct flight into Blacksburg? I would totally splurge. Anyway, I must say, I have completely lucked out in the in-law department and absolutely love mine! My mother in law (MIL to keep it short) is an amazing cook, and goes all out when we come to town with made from scratch desserts, homemade mac and cheese (my favorite) and her famous lemonade slush. And yes, they are all as good as they sound. I had to behave on our last visit at Thanksgiving and try not to gorge myself for fear of not fitting in my dress, so this weekend, I'm planning to thoroughly enjoy every calorie-laden bite - there will be no "oh a small sliver of pie will be fine" from this mouth!

Not only is my MIL great in the kitchen, she's great to be around in general. I remember thinking the first time I met her that because Mr. T was her youngest baby boy, she would probably be a bit, um, territorial. But she couldn't have been more welcoming and more wonderful to me, and after I told Mr. T what my fears had been on the way back from our first trip, I'll never forget him saying "what did you think she would do, give me a sponge bath every night before bedtime?" Not exactly, but I did kind of envision catching the stinkeye from her whenever he went to hold my hand or something. Totally didn't happen. And I totally love her. And just check out how much Mr. T favors her - aren't they a good looking mother and son? She looks so proud of him in this picture. Makes my heart smile. :)

My goal is to return with several of her recipes, so I can make a feeble attempt at some of the same heavenly creations she has perfected. Now that we've got our patio furniture and the warm sunshine is beckoning us outside, I'm thinking there are many alfresco dinners in our future!

Happy Easter!!


  1. WOOOT! I live in VA and love it, I live about and hour south of Blacksburg! Hope you have a safe trip and a great weekend....HAPPY EASTER!

  2. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a very happy Easter! Yay Virginia :)


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